Petvit Liquid

  • Size – 200 ml
  • Uses/ Indications – Petvit Liquid provides all 9 vitamins essential during growth of puppies and kittens, in pregnant or lactaing bitches/queens and also to keep dogs and cats in good condition. The daily administration of Petvit liquid ensures multiple vitamin supply to the growing organism to enchance metabolic activity. Petvit Liquid prevents disturbance in growing stage and development, promotes the formation of bones, increases the resistance to diseases, prevents inappetence and promotes the natural functions of the skin for a healthy coat. Vitamin A promotes the growth of puppies and kittens as well as the formation and the functioning of the skin.
  • Dosage – For Puppies and Kittens 1-2 ml twice daily. For Adult Dogs and Cats 2.5 – 5 ml twice daily. Petvit liquid can be placed directly inot pet’s mouth or placed on food
  • Composition – 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) contain: Vitamin A 2500 i.u Vitamin B1 1 mg Vitamin B2 0.75 mg Vitamin C 25 mg Vitamin E 1 mg Nicotinmide 5 mg Pantothenic Acid 2mg (Appropriate overages added to Compensate the loss on storage)


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